Oleo Garvi XIII 200ml
Oleo Garvi XIII 200ml
Colores finos que constituyen una gama clásica y reducida. Los procesos de fabricación son los mismos que en el Óleo Extrafino MIR. La parte fundamental de la fabricación es el refinado de la pasta inicial de pigmento y aceite. En su elaboración se emplean prácticamente los mismos aceites y pigmentos aunque estos en menor concentración.
Son de textura cremosa, aplicables a pincel o espátula.
Contiene colores cubrientes complementada con semi y totalmente transparentes. La cubrición es una propiedad intrínseca del pigmento en el medio aceite y el artista sabe hacer uso tanto de los pigmentos que tapan como de aquellos transparentes que le permiten sutiles efectos de veladuras.
<El Óleo para Estudiantes>
El Óleo GARVI por su excelente relación calidad/precio está indicado para los que desean iniciarse en la pintura, son pinturas fáciles de usar o para aquellos artistas que han de emplear cantidades importantes de óleo en sus obras. Esta gama sólo se presenta en tubos de 200ml.
Recogida en Tienda Gratis
A una distancia máxima de 100 km el pedido minimo para la entrega a domicilio gratuita es de 300 euros.
Que Dicen Nuestros Clientes de Nosotros
I discovered a selection of pallets that completely surprised me. The variety of models and finishes was so wide that I found the ideal floor for my home. Highly recommended!
Choosing the Roberto Cavalli wallpaper was a great decision. Its elegant and sophisticated design completely transformed my home, adding a touch of luxury and distinction. Without a doubt, a purchase that exceeded my expectations!}
This paint store has become my trusted source for all my projects. They offer an incredible variety of colors and paint types, and their staff is known for being friendly and knowledgeable.
My experience at this paint store was fantastic. The team was very professional and offered expert advice for my project. The store has a wide range of high quality products, which made it easy to find what I needed. I recommend this store to anyone looking for top-notch painting supplies. Without a doubt, it will be my first option for future purchases.
Visiting this paint store has been one of the best decisions I have made for my renovation project. From the moment I walked in, I was greeted with a smile and a welcoming atmosphere. The store is impeccably organized, making finding exactly what you need very easy.